Rubber and Elastomer Services
Holding training classes using experienced specialists and university professors
Rubber and Elastomer Services
Due to the sensitivity of elastomer parts in the function of industrial valves and to control the quality level and production and delivery time of these parts, which usually act as sealants and fluid leakage control, Elastomer Technology Unit was established in Mirab Company. This unit was established in 2015 by absorbing and understanding science and the preliminary concepts of elastomer and absorption. It has expanded by developing general ideas and changing them to details of the technology of production of used parts, which have a wide range of variety. This technology includes information related to human resources and the skills required, raw material and final material used, and equipment, environment, and hardware required. Based on all these, the Elastomer Unit of Mirab Company has been established and works in an area covering about 500 sqm.
Today, the technology in this regard has led to the creation of incredible capabilities concerning the production of elastomer parts for routine services and harsh and erosive services, and those in particular conditions. This capability is updated due to research and development, conducting related tests in Mirab labs and labs outside the organization, and performance tests. We are continuously witnessing growth in engineering in this field.
Equipment and infrastructure:
The Elastomer Unit has complete production and lab equipment to produce elastomer parts and adapt them to international standards through the implementation of up-to-date global technology by skilled personnel using modern equipment. It guarantees the quality of the parts and provides suitable and long shelf life. These products are listed below, and Mirab Company can be named among the few manufacturers of industrial valves in the world that benefit from such equipment.
Compression Molding and Press for production of elastomer parts through the mold, 140-ton capacity ( quantity 2), capacity 200 tons ( quantity 2), capacity 250 ton and capacity 300 ton
Press for the production of elastomer part based on injection technology, capacity 250 ton
It is necessary to add that all molds are inspected, and after passing quality control, they are given to the production unit. Minimum inspection includes product appearance inspection, an inspection of product dimensions, material inspection, mold rigidity, hydrostatic tests of prototype, cyclic tests of product trim, and final quality of elastomer products. If, in any part, any shortcoming is witnessed in prototypes; amendments will be made in the molds.
To make sure the manufactured products and the raw material are adaptable to international standards, Mirab Company has established an Elastomer Lab. This lab, employing skilled personnel and modern equipment and testing, has succeeded in receiving a cooperation certificate from the Standard Office of Iran, and this office accredits any result given by this lab.
Lab studies are usually conducted in two areas. Verification and validation of formulations of various elastomeric bases used in the industry and inspection and survey of compounds used in production and mass production.
Mirab laboratory to investigate and evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of products such as product life expectancy, hardness, compressibility, tensile strength, specifications, and behavior of the compound in the rheometric process has equipment for tensile testing equipment, MDR rheometer, Shore A hardness gauge, pressure manometer, laboratory furnace, densitometer and the accuracy of their performance is guaranteed through periodic calibrations. The environmental conditions of the execution of the tests are defined and written, and strictly adhered to.
Today, a large group of elastomer products used in tough, normal and unique, and general conditions in the water and wastewater industry is manufactured in the Elastomer Unit of Mirab Company.
Also, based on the significant capabilities available and defined relations and cooperation with organizations outside Mirab, if services or conditions call for particular functions, by combining the inter-organizational capabilities of Mirab, domestic research centers and research and academic centers abroad can produce such components.
Also, through continuous improvement of existing specifications and formulas, elastomer parts used in industrial valves of Mirab Company have always had a suitable function, extreme lifetime, reduced disruption and sudden breakdowns, and also have a small operating cost during service.